Recommendation 23

Recommendation 23: Develop a working group comprised of school leaders to share best practices in school safety and establish mentor relationships between schools.

Lead Agency: Department of Education, Office of Social & Emotional Wellness


  • Department of Education, Office of Social & Emotional Wellness, Bureau of Student Wellness presented at the SRO Conference to both SROs and School Administrators about this concept.
  • Bureau of Student Wellness worked closely with HSEM to explore state-wide training for behavioral intervention teams.
  • Developed a professional communication strategy for professional associations (i.e. Principal’s Association, Teacher’s Association, School Administrator’s Association, etc.).
  • Four regional consultants have been hired and trained.
  • Pinkerton, Newfound High School and White Mountains Regional (SAU 36) have received microgrants from the Department of Education to seek training.
  • DOJ School Safe Grant – five grant recipients applied and are creating BIT Teams including intervention and reporting protocols.


  • NH Multi-Tiered System for Support and Behavioral Health (MTSS-B) technical assistance center website at