Category: Planning

The Task Force identified the following critical planning areas in school safety: school assessments and reassessments; reunification planning; schools as polling places; predetermined responses; emergency go-kits; and technology. This section provides resources in those planning areas.

Federal Resources for Safer School-Based Active Shooter Drills (DOE, DHHS, DHS) [January 2025]

The U.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security have released new resources to help schools design and implement active shooter drills. These materials focus on improving preparedness while supporting the emotional well-being of school communities. Resources below: The CISA K-12 Active Shooter Drills and Programs Landscape Assessment provides an overview of …

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The Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) Presents: Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Strategies from Practice to Policy (DHS) [January 2025]

Join us for our first Prevention Forum of 2025! This Forum will focus on behavioral threat assessment and management (BTAM) strategies and how BTAM strengthens our nation’s prevention abilities across every level of government, the private sector, and in local communities. BTAM programs use a multidisciplinary and structured process to identify, inquire, assess, and manage …

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School Identification Cards Recommendations (NH HSEM) [January 2025]

School Identification (ID) cards, when issued and worn, are a form of access control that ensures individuals on school property are easily identified. Credentials for faculty, staff, and visitors play a key role in identifying persons during emergencies. Emergency responders, parents, and students need a way to rapidly identify authorized personnel. Identifying visitors in the …

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School Door and Window Labeling Recommendations (NH HSEM) [January 2025]

The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management in cooperation with the NH Fire and Police Chiefs Association, City of Manchester Police Department, NH Department of Education, and the NH Fire Marshall’s Office has endorsed a model system for the labeling or doors, windows, and other access points in NH schools. It is recommended that …

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Secure Lock Box Info Sheet (NHFMO) [January 2025]

Schools should consider installing a secure lock box in a safe location away from the building, such as near the driveway entrance, that allows the school to store critical access information and tools for predetermined, rapid response to school incidents. Resource: Download an information sheet from the NH Fire Marshal’s Office here.

Fire Drills and All Hazard Response Drills/Exercises in Schools (NHFMO) [January 2025]

As of August 2024, NH educational facilities (K-12th grade) are required to follow amended NH Law RSA 189.64 and NFPA 101, Life Safety Code 2021 Edition, related to emergency response drills. This flyer provides relevant information related to these required exercises and drills. Resource: Download Fire and Hazard Drills here.

Emergency Evacuation Go Kits (HSEM) [January 2025]

In case of an emergency evacuation, it is critical that every classroom and the administration maintaina “go kit,” a self-contained and portable stockpile of emergency supplies, often placed in a backpack orbucket and left in a readily accessible but secure location so that it is ready to “go.” The school safety planshould reference the go …

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Responding to Critical Incidents in Schools. A Behavioral Health Plan. (December 2024) [DBHRT)

Comprehensive school emergency response plans include considerations for the behavioral health impact of critical incidents, define and identify internal and external response resources, and clearly describe roles and expectations throughout response efforts. School leadership, in conjunction with crisis response team members, when possible, undertake the ongoing activity of assessing the needs of the school community …

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Program Best Practices for Educators and Law Enforcement in Suicide Postvention (NAMI NH) [December 2024)

Program Best Practices for Educators and Law Enforcement in Suicide Postvention when a School Community or Community loses a member to Suicide. Resource: Download best practices for Educators here. Resource: Download best practices for Law Enforcement here.

After a Suicide: A Toolkit for Schools (AFSP) [December 2024]

This resource provides information for school administrators and other school staff who wish to implement a coordinated response to the suicide. The toolkit provides information on how best to communicate and support the school community and manage the crisis response. Also found in the toolkit is information on helping students cope, communicating with parents, working …

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