Recommendation 8: Increase and promote evidence-based best practice suicide prevention training in schools to provide school staff with the knowledge and skills to recognize individuals at risk, and connect that individual with help. All schools should have specific protocols in place for responding to an individual who is suicidal and for responding to a suicide death in a manner which reduces risk and promotes healing for students and the school community.
Lead Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau for Children’s Behavioral Health
- Monitoring legislation that requires suicide training for all school staff.
- SB199 – Bill Killed
- SB282 – Signed by Governor
- RSA 193-J into effect 7/1/2020, requires 2 hours of Suicide Prevention Training for schools.
- The Garret Lee Smith New Hampshire Nexus Project 2.0 (GLS NHNP 2.0), awarded in January 2020, provides grants to reduce suicide incidents among youth and young adults ages 10-24 by improving pathways to care and offering comprehensive training to provide youth serving organizations with the resources to identify, screen, refer, and treat at-risk youth in the Capital, Carroll County, and North Country Regional Public Health Networks of New Hampshire.
- The 2020-2021 State budget included $200,000 in each State fiscal year to support NH’s suicide
prevention hotline and $250,000 in each fiscal year to support suicide prevention efforts, including training. The Suicide Prevention Council (SPC) submitted a written request to use part of the allocated $250,000 to fund a full-time staff position to serve as a statewide suicide prevention specialist. - In July 2020, the FCC approved SPC’s request to designate a national three-digit (988) suicide prevention hotline.
- The Department of Education created and launched “282 in the 603” to support school districts in adherence to SB 282, relative to suicide prevention education in schools.