Targeted Violence Prevention Resources for K-12 Schools ( [April 2023]

School Safety Partners,

Targeted violence refers to violence that is premeditated and directed at specific individuals, groups, or locations. It is distinct from violence that is spontaneous, random, or impulsive, and is often distinguished by pre-attack behaviors that suggest violence as a possible outcome.

Schools can actively work to address the threat of targeted violence through a variety of prevention, protection, and mitigation measures. Preventing targeted violence requires a community-based, comprehensive, and holistic approach, and many members of the school community can play a role. Specific strategies schools can consider as part of their targeted violence prevention efforts include fostering a positive school climate, intervening to lessen harms and prevent future risk, and implementing physical safety and security measures. Schools that employ comprehensive approaches to addressing violence are not immune from it, but by doing so, they can minimize the chances of serious violence and better respond to incidents that may occur.

To assist K-12 schools and districts with targeted violence prevention efforts, the team developed the attached infographic, which illustrates the issue of targeted violence, strategies to address it, and a sampling of related resources, programs, and tools available through the Federal School Safety Clearinghouse. We encourage you to reference and share this resource with others in the K-12 community as you see fit.

You can find additional targeted violence prevention information on, as well as by following the Clearinghouse on Twitter at @SchoolSafetyGov.

We hope you find this information helpful. If you have any questions, please contact us at