Recommendation 13: Continue with the current, voluntary New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management school assessment process. Provide reassessments at least every three years or when significant changes to the facility, staff, or policy occur.
NH Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
Recommendation 14
Recommendation 14: Reevaluate the Homeland Security and Emergency Management school assessment process every three years to ensure assessors use the latest standards, knowledge, and techniques.
Recommendation 15
Recommendation 15: Develop, implement, communicate, and exercise a reunification plan that clearly establishes where and how students will be reunited with their families.
Recommendation 16
Recommendation 16: Develop a detailed plan that focuses on keeping students safe when local elections are held in the school building, understanding that individuals will be present on school property who have not been vetted.
Recommendation 17
Recommendation 17: Develop a predetermined response to active shooter incidents for first responders and dispatchers to reduce response times by increasing efficiency, coordination, and addressing anticipated problems.
Recommendation 18
Recommendation 18: Develop a building specific response plan for active shooter incidents for first responders to reduce response times by increasing efficiency, coordination, and addressing anticipated problems.
Recommendation 19
Recommendation 19: Current blueprints (i.e., floor plans) must be submitted to local law enforcement and the Department of Safety in hardcopy or a commonly used digital format. After the initial submission, updates will be provided in a timely manner when changes are made to a building.
Recommendation 21
Recommendation 21: Develop an inventory list for emergency go-kits that schools should create, keep in classrooms, examine and update quarterly such that each teacher will be prepared to evacuate. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services, Community Outreach Office.
Recommendation 26
Recommendation 26: All staff and students should receive training on a school’s emergency operations plan on a regular basis to ensure staff and students have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities. Changes and adaptations to the plan should be made as gaps and weaknesses are identified.
Recommendation 28
Recommendation 28: School staff who will perform in a leadership role during an incident should be trained in the predetermined emergency response actions so they know what steps first responders will be taking upon notification of the incident and how to best coordinate efforts with those first responders as they arrive on scene.