Recommendation 49

Recommendation 49: Establish and maintain a complete and centralized school safety preparedness online resource center to make it easier for schools and interested parties to access relevant information.

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Recommendation 51

Recommendation 51: For times other than the beginning and end of the school day when the vast majority of students are entering or exiting the school building(s), establish a single point of entry into the school with a security vestibule, meaning a vestibule with two sets of doors that is used to prevent further access …

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Recommendation 52

Recommendation 52: Install a perimeter fence around the school facility or utilize environmental design to prevent unauthorized access to school grounds and to deter criminal activity. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, School Readiness Office

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Recommendation 53

Recommendation 53: All exterior windows that could be used to gain easy access, including those in doors, should use ballistic glass or security window film. Additionally, all interior windows, including those in doors where students or staff may shelter should use ballistic glass or security window film. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland …

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Recommendation 55

Recommendation 55: Implement a visible door and window numbering system that allows students, teachers, administrators, and first responders to effectively comprehend maps and become easily acclimated to the school buildings. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, School Readiness Office Resources: Click here for access to School Door and Window …

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Recommendation 56

Recommendation 56: Enhance monitoring capabilities and deter potential assailants by installing surveillance cameras. Cameras should be monitored during school hours and other activities at the facility. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, School Readiness Office Resources: Click here for access to a best practice guide for use of surveillance …

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Recommendation 57

Recommendation 57: Consider replacing issued keys with door access cards issued to all staff to monitor, track, and control access to the school building.

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Recommendation 58

Recommendation 58: Consider issuing identification badges to all staff annually with discernable differences from year to year. Additionally, issue identification badges to all authorized visitors and establish and enforce policies that badges remain visible in order to identify individuals in the school building. Lead Agency: Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, …

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Recommendation 59

Recommendation 59: Any future facility changes or upgrades should be promptly shared with local law enforcement and fire departments prior to implementation so they maintain situational awareness and can make any necessary changes to their plans. 

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