Category: Training & Exercises

Training & Exercising is an important aspect of any preparedness and response program. This section identifies resources helpful in school preparedness training and exercises.

Back to School Campaign Communications Toolkit ( [August 2023] is a collaborative, interagency website created by the Federal government to provide schools and districts with actionable recommendations to create safe and supportive learning environments for students and educators. The site serves as a one-stop access point for information, resources, guidance, and evidence-based practices on a range of school safety topics. Through the site, …

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Updated Self-Assessment Tool: EOP ASSESS (REMS) [August 2023]

The REMS TA Center is pleased to announce that we have updated EOP ASSESS. This FREE Web application on the REMS TA Center Website provides an interactive learning opportunity for administrators, faculty and teachers, and other personnel at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education on emergency operations plan (EOP) development. Answer a series of …

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School Emergency Operations Plans (HSEM) [July 2024]

The below resources can be used to assist in developing, implementing, and/or reviewing a schools emergency operations plan. NH Specific Resources:

K-12 Cybersecurity Report and Toolkit (CISA) [August 2023]

CISA is placing a focus on working with the K-12 education sector to help raise awareness and understanding of the risks as well as to change behaviors that put us at risk of phishing and other online attacks. We provide tools, information, and resources to help this vitally important component of the nation’s critical infrastructure …

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September 2023 FREE Search Institute Professional Development Series (NHED) [July 2023]

Building Relationships with Families That Have Experienced Trauma Overview: Trauma includes experiencing or witnessing violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, incarceration, and similar issues that can have a deep and long-lasting impact on families. Though most family-serving practitioners are not equipped to treat trauma, you can nurture relationships with those who have experienced trauma in ways …

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Online Safety Resources for the K-12 Community (DHS) [June 2023]

Protect against online threats and risks. Teach children about internet safety and stay involved in their digital world. Children and adolescents are spending more time online than ever before, and technology is ingrained in almost every facet of their lives. Today’s youth strongly depend on digital devices and online forums, like social media and gaming …

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Improving School Safety Through Bystander Reporting: A Toolkit for Strengthening K-12 Reporting Programs (NTAC and CISA) [May 2023]

The U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), in partnership with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), released the K-12 Bystander Reporting Toolkit. This new resource offers simple strategies and guidance to implement or enhance school safety reporting programs and foster a school environment in which students are more willing and able to …

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School Safety Preparedness Recommendations (HSEM) [May 2023]

Resource: Download the above list of flyers with links as a guide to School Safety Preparedness here

Child Exploitation Resources for the K-12 Community ( [February 2023]

Protect children from exploitation by recognizing the risk factors and warning signs, knowing how to respond, and supporting students who have been victimized. Child exploitation can take many forms and affect young people of any background, demographic, or geographic location. Victimization can take place directly on school ground as well as through online or social …

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Foundations of Targeted Violence Prevention eLearning (DHS) [February 2023]

DHS, Wisconsin DOJ, and Wisconsin DPI Partner to Launch Targeted Violence Prevention Course Washington, DC – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Intelligence and Analysis, National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office has partnered with the Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) to release an eLearning module …

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