Category: Training & Exercises

Training & Exercising is an important aspect of any preparedness and response program. This section identifies resources helpful in school preparedness training and exercises.

School Readiness Training & Exercise Program (NH HSEM) [December 2022]

The purpose of conducting trainings/ exercises is to assess, practice, and improve in the five phases of the preparedness cycle which include prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from school-based incidents in a no-fault environment. It is recommended that schools participate in activities year round to allow for a continuous cycle of process improvement for emergency readiness. The School Readiness Program is able to assist in these efforts.

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Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools (NASP) [October 2022]

The National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Resource Officers, and Safe and Sound Schools have partnered to provide updated guidance on Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools. The author organizations represent key stakeholders in school safety and crisis planning, preparedness, and implementation. We have expertise and extensive first-hand experience with …

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Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools (National Association of School Psychologists, NASRO, and Safe Schools) [September 2022]

The National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Resource Officers, and Safe and Sound Schools have partnered to provide this guidance on armed assailant training. The guidance reflects unique considerations within the school environment, including protecting both physical, and psychological safety. Resource: Download this guidance on armed assailant drills here

Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course (DHS) [September 2022]

Train-the-Trainer Course Offerings Announced for 2023 Washington, DC, August 31, 2022 — The DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A), National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office has announced the following iterations of the Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Courses (ID-TERC) for Calendar Year 2023. The Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course (ID-TERC) …

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School Readiness Program (NH HSEM) [August 2022]

The School Readiness Program is responsible for working with public and non-public K-12 schools to provide assistance with reviewing their site-specific emergency operations plans, facilitating school-based trainings and exercises, conducting physical security assessments, and coordinating the NH School Safety Preparedness Task Force. Together these measures combined with industry best practices ensure New Hampshire schools are …

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School Reunification Game (NH HSEM) [February 2024]

The purpose of the School Reunification Game is to focus on current plans, policies, agreements, and procedures and discuss how participants would act during and following a particular incident. Problems are solved as a group.

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Archived Webinar: Understanding the Role of Teachers in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (REMS TA) [May 2022]

This Webinar will highlight the role of teachers in supporting school safety at the local level.

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Webinar: Understanding the Role of Information Technology Specialists in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (REMS TA) [April 2022]

View Recorded Webinar Who: Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance (REMS TA) Details of the webinar: The REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar to highlight the role of Information Technology (IT) Specialists in supporting school safety efforts at the local and state levels. During this Webinar, presenters discussed the importance of developing a …

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Office of Social and Emotional Wellness Toolkits (NHED) [February 2023]

The Office of Social and Emotional Wellness (OSEW) has created a portal on their website that holds wellness toolkits for educators. The intent of this portal is to provide educators with information about initiatives they offer, services provided, and to connect educators with resources in support of work in New Hampshire schools. Training toolkits were created …

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Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Online Training (REMS TA) [May 2022]