Tag: Recommendation 26

School Readiness Training & Exercise Program (NH HSEM) [December 2022]

The purpose of conducting trainings/ exercises is to assess, practice, and improve in the five phases of the preparedness cycle which include prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from school-based incidents in a no-fault environment. It is recommended that schools participate in activities year round to allow for a continuous cycle of process improvement for emergency readiness. The School Readiness Program is able to assist in these efforts.

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Campus Resilience Program Exercise Starter Kits (US DHS) [May 2022]

The DHS Campus Resilience Program Exercise Start Kits are self-conducted tabletop exercise (TTX) tailored for the academic community. Each kit includes a set of scalable tools aimed to test existing emergency plans, protocols, and procedures, while also strengthening preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. For more information on the CR Program’s Exercise Starter Kits, read the …

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Recommendation 26

Recommendation 26: All staff and students should receive training on a school’s emergency operations plan on a regular basis to ensure staff and students have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities. Changes and adaptations to the plan should be made as gaps and weaknesses are identified.

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