Tag: EMS

School Readiness Program (NH HSEM) [August 2022]

The School Readiness Program is responsible for working with public and non-public K-12 schools to provide assistance with reviewing their site-specific emergency operations plans, facilitating school-based trainings and exercises, conducting physical security assessments, and coordinating the NH School Safety Preparedness Task Force. Together these measures combined with industry best practices ensure New Hampshire schools are …

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Responding to Critical Incident In Schools – A Behavioral Health Plan (NH DHHS) [November 2022]

Incident Command & National Incident Management System Training (FEMA) [February 2024]

Free Online ICS/NIMS Training: IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), ICS-100 Encouraged for all first responders and all school/SAU staff.ICS 100, Introduction to the Incident Command System, introduces the Incident Command System (ICS) and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training. This course describes the history, features and principles, and organizational structure …

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School Safety Recommendations for Election Day (NH HSEM) [July 2024]

According to the U.S. Department of Education (REMSTA), “Election days may present a security challenge for schools and school districts because many designated polling places are on school grounds. Therefore, on election days, some school districts may cancel school or designate the day for teacher professional development”. The decision to close a school or remain …

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Responding to Student Demonstrations and Protests in Schools (REMS) [n.d.]

Background Classrooms are often the first settings in which students learn what it means to be civically engaged; and when students choose to use demonstrations and protests as a tool for civic engagement, school buildings, grounds, and communities are often selected as the setting. The response of students across the country to the February 14, …

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Ten Essential Actions to Improve School Safety (COPS) [August 2020]

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention (Suicide Prevention Resource Center) [July 2020]

Strategies, Programs, and Practices to Consider Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive: it requires a combination of efforts that work together to address different aspects of the problem. The model above shows nine strategies that form a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Each strategy is a broad goal that can be advanced through …

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National Threat Assessment Center Report on Protecting American Schools (USSS) [November 2019]

Ensuring the safety of children at school is a responsibility that belongs to everyone, including law enforcement, school staff, mental health practitioners, government officials, and members of the general public. To aid in these efforts, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) studied 41 incidents of targeted school violence that occurred at K-12 …

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Benefits of Ballistic Glass and Security Films for Schools (NH HSEM) [November 2022]

Glass features in or around the interior doors at the front entrance of the school, ground level of the school and/or the entry to a classroom should be designed in such a way that would prevent unauthorized access into that space or the building if the glass was compromised. This can be done with reinforced …

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New Hampshire Response Actions Guide (NH HSEM) [August 2024]

The New Hampshire Response Actions guide defines and provides instructions based on standardized language for response actions as used in NH schools. Sections include: Clear Hallways Evacuation Scan Lockdown Reverse Evacuation Secure Campus Shelter-In-Place Drop, Cover and Hold An editable Microsoft Word version is now available for schools to include their school or district logo …

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