Tag: Families

The National 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here, adding to NH’s robust crisis landscape (NH DHHS) [July 2022]

• New Hampshire is announcing the launch of 988, the new three-digit dialing code that will route callersto the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). People can call 988 to be connected with trainedcounselors that are part of the existing NSPL network.• 988 is a national system. The 988 call center routes calls by area code, …

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Archived Webinar: Understanding the Role of Families and Parents in Support School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (REMS TA) [February 2022]

View Recorded Webinar Who: Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools Technical Assistance (REMS TA) Details of the webinar: The REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar to highlight the role of families and parents in supporting school safety efforts at the local and state levels. During this Webinar, presenters discussed the importance of developing a collaborative …

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Ten Essential Actions to Improve School Safety (COPS) [August 2020]

A Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention (Suicide Prevention Resource Center) [July 2020]

Strategies, Programs, and Practices to Consider Effective suicide prevention is comprehensive: it requires a combination of efforts that work together to address different aspects of the problem. The model above shows nine strategies that form a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention and mental health promotion. Each strategy is a broad goal that can be advanced through …

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National Threat Assessment Center Report on Protecting American Schools (USSS) [November 2019]

Ensuring the safety of children at school is a responsibility that belongs to everyone, including law enforcement, school staff, mental health practitioners, government officials, and members of the general public. To aid in these efforts, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) studied 41 incidents of targeted school violence that occurred at K-12 …

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Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement Announces: Champions Choose Love (JLCLM) [September 2019]

Modeled after the Choose Love Enrichment Program, Champions Choose Love focuses on the Social Emotional Learning Skills a team leader can utilize to develop self-awareness, strengthen relationships with coaches, teammates and competitors, and develop responsible decision-making skills. There are five lessons, including the introduction, that take approximately 20 minutes each to complete. The lessons focus …

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School Safety Recommendations for Hard Corners (NH HSEM) [April 2023]

“Hard corners are areas in classrooms where students and teachers would not be visible from hallways, windows or door openings.” Hard corners “are areas located at an angle that would prevent anyone firing a gun through the classroom door from hitting anyone.” Resource:  Download the School Safety Recommendations for Hard Corners Flier

School Resource Officer Flier (NH HSEM) [August 2024]

School Resource Officers are proactive school-based law enforcement officers who rely on positive relationships between officers and students. These relationships build trust between SROs and the student body, reduces school safety issues, and promotes perceptions of safety. Learn more about what an SRO is and the role they play on this informational document provided by …

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Cyber Safety for Students (US DHS) [August 2019]

From US DHS: As summer break ends, many students will return to school with mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops. Although these devices can help students complete schoolwork and stay in touch with family and friends, there are risks associated with using them. However, there are simple steps that can help students …

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Recognize the Warning Signs for Suicide to Save Lives! (NAMI NH) [May 2019]

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell warning signs from “normal” behavior, especially in adolescents. Ask yourself, Is the behavior I am seeing very different for this particular person? Also, recognize that sometimes those who are depressed can appear angry, irritable, and/or hostile in addition to withdrawn and quiet. Learn more about warning signs by …

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