Tag: Teachers

Senate Bill 281: Relative to “mental health services for schools…” (NH Senate) [January 2019]

SENATE BILL 281-FN-A-LOCAL AN ACT relative to mental health services for schools and making an appropriation therefor. SPONSORS: Sen. Birdsell, Dist 19; Sen. Bradley, Dist 3; Sen. Carson, Dist 14; Rep. O’Connor, Rock. 6; Rep. Potucek, Rock. 6 COMMITTEE: Education and Workforce Development ────────────────────────────────────────────── ANALYSIS This bill permits school districts in Rockingham county to contract …

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Emergency Management Institute School Program (FEMA) [March 2019]

EMI offers school officials courses supporting the implementation of NIMS as well as general courses aimed at building school emergency management capacity.

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Safety Alerts for Education – S.A.F.E. (Ping4, Inc.) [March 2019]

Ping4’s S.A.F.E app is FREE for any school in the U.S. to make schools safer for students and staff by providing the ability to send hyperlocal emergency alerts in real-time to anyone located within the impacted area.

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See Something Say Something™ for Education Posters (DHS) [March 2019]

See Something Say Something™ for Education Videos (DHS) [March 2019]

HSEM School Readiness Program (HSEM) [February 2019]

Link: NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management School Emergency Readiness Program

NH Public School Infrastructure Fund Website

Link to NH Public School Infrastructure Fund Website: https://www.education.nh.gov/program/school_approval/infrastructure-fund.htm

A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behavior (CDC) [2016]

10-Year Mental Health Plan (NH DHHS) [January 2019]

The Plan is the result of a robust feedback process that included input from hundreds of interested parties statewide through focus groups, workgroups, public sessions, and written comments. It takes a comprehensive and innovative approach to address the mental health needs of people across their life span.

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RSA 193-F – Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention

    Link to RSA 193-F – Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XV/193-F/193-F-mrg.htm