Category: Facilities Upgrades

Protecting and strengthening the safety of school facilities is a challenging, but worthwhile endeavor. This section provides resources to aid schools in facilities upgrades for school safety and security.

Cameras and Surveillance Systems in Schools Guide (NH HSEM) [November 2022]

Video Assessment and Security Cameras enhance the staff’s ability to respond to attacks and emergencies quickly and appropriately. School officials need to be aware of their surroundings and/or have the capability to observe danger and potential threats. This resource document provides information relative to the use of cameras and surveillance systems in NH schools. Resource:  Download …

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School Safety Recommendations for Hard Corners (NH HSEM) [April 2023]

“Hard corners are areas in classrooms where students and teachers would not be visible from hallways, windows or door openings.” Hard corners “are areas located at an angle that would prevent anyone firing a gun through the classroom door from hitting anyone.” Resource:  Download the School Safety Recommendations for Hard Corners Flier

Access Control and Secure Vestibule Flier (NH HSEM) [November 2022]

“Effective access control requires that entry to and from a building be controlled.” According to Spicer’s Campus Safety article 11 Components of a Secure School Front Entrance. “Efforts to prevent forced entry and trespass are compromised if secondary points of entry or fire doors are unsecure or easily defeated and not seen.” Read more about …

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Exterior Access Control Flier (NH HSEM) [November 2022]

Preventing unauthorized persons from entering a school facility is vital to protecting those in the school. This flier includes information on electronic access controls, security features and exterior hardware. Resource:  Download the Exterior Access Control flier

New Hampshire School Safety Construction Planning & Design Guide (NHFMO) [December 2022]

This guide is a result of recommendations made by New Hampshire’s School Safety Preparedness Task Force. The group was formed in 2018 to further Governor Christopher Sununu’s goal of making New Hampshire’s schools the safest they can be while fostering growth and education. Information within this stand-alone School Safety Construction Planning & Design Guide specifically …

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Multi-Functional Alarms, Pull Stations & Positive Alarm Sequence Reference Guide (NHFMO) [September 2022]

When schools replace, upgrade, or install fire alarms, they should consider having multi-functional alarms (e.g. separate fire and lockdown alarms) to clearly and quickly inform building occupants how to take action. The emergency voice/alarm communication system may also be used for other emergency signaling, announcements and for class changes. Resource:  Download Multi-Functional Alarms, Pull Stations & …

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Polling Place Safety Checklist (TSU) [May 2019]

School district campuses and facilities may from time to time serve as polling places. While the district  endeavors to maintain the sanctity of the election process, the safety of students, faculty and staff remain the primary responsibility. As such, election officials will be asked to remain cognizant of the importance of a safe and secure …

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Secure Lock Box Info Sheet (NHFMO) [September 2022]

Schools should consider installing a secure lock box in a safe location away from the building, such as near the driveway entrance, that allows the school to store critical access information and tools for predetermined, rapid response to school incidents. Attached is an information sheet from the NH Fire Marshal’s Office. Resource: Download the Secure …

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School Fencing: Benefits and Disadvantages (Hanover Research) [November 2013]

In the following report, Hanover synthesizes research on school fencing to support school district planning for the installation and repair of fencing around school grounds and play areas. The report discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of fencing as a school safety measure and the relative merits of different types of fencing for school campuses.

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Fire Safety School Building Inspection Program (NH FMO) [March 2019]

NH Division of Fire Safety School Inspection Program RSA 153:14 was modified by the state legislature during its 2008 session to include a requirement for every fire chief to inspect each of their private and public schools within their jurisdiction once per year. The Bureau of Building Safety and Construction has developed a training program …

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