The National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Resource Officers, and Safe and Sound Schools have partnered to provide updated guidance on Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools. The author organizations represent key stakeholders in school safety and crisis planning, preparedness, and implementation. We have expertise and extensive first-hand experience with …
Tag: Teachers
Best Practice Considerations for Armed Assailant Drills in Schools (National Association of School Psychologists, NASRO, and Safe Schools) [September 2022]
The National Association of School Psychologists, the National Association of School Resource Officers, and Safe and Sound Schools have partnered to provide this guidance on armed assailant training. The guidance reflects unique considerations within the school environment, including protecting both physical, and psychological safety. Resource: Download this guidance on armed assailant drills here
Averting Targeted School Violence (U.S. Secret Service) [September 2022]
In this most recent study, Averting Targeted School Violence: A U.S. Secret Service Analysis of Plots Against Schools, NTAC examined 67 disrupted plots against K-12 schools from 2006-2018. The key findings of the study are clear and consistent: Individuals contemplating violence often exhibit observable behaviors, and when community members report these behaviors, the next tragedy …
Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course (DHS) [September 2022]
Train-the-Trainer Course Offerings Announced for 2023 Washington, DC, August 31, 2022 — The DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis (I&A), National Threat Evaluation and Reporting (NTER) Office has announced the following iterations of the Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Courses (ID-TERC) for Calendar Year 2023. The Instructor Development Threat Evaluation and Reporting Course (ID-TERC) …
Statewide School Safety and Security Mapping Project (NHIAC) [July 2022]
Statewide template provides consistent public safety references and terminology across all jurisdictions; supporting map fluency across any mutual aid situation. Supports enhanced data collection and site specific planning. Click here to download the flyer on Statewide School Safety and Security Mapping Project
The National 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is here, adding to NH’s robust crisis landscape (NH DHHS) [July 2022]
• New Hampshire is announcing the launch of 988, the new three-digit dialing code that will route callersto the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (NSPL). People can call 988 to be connected with trainedcounselors that are part of the existing NSPL network.• 988 is a national system. The 988 call center routes calls by area code, …
Text to 911 (NH DESC) [August 2023]
Text to 911 is FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY! Text to 911 Information Text to 911 allows residents in dangerous situations who are unable to risk the noise of a call to send a text for help. This will help save lives and must be used responsibly. Texting should only be used when a voice call is not …
School Reunification Game (NH HSEM) [February 2024]
The purpose of the School Reunification Game is to focus on current plans, policies, agreements, and procedures and discuss how participants would act during and following a particular incident. Problems are solved as a group.
NH Rapid Response Access Point (NH DHHS) [May 2022]
If you or someone you care about is having a mental health or substance use crisis, NH Rapid Response Access Point offers a personalized, non-judgmental, and team approach to care – that you can access quickly. Visit for more information.